Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Cabinet Gate

Remember how I mentioned in a previous post that my hubby and I like to think about things and weigh all our options before making a decision?  And remember how I mentioned we felt pressured to make the FINAL decision on certain things at the first design meeting? Well, we felt a little heartburn on the decision of our cabinets.  We equally loved both style of cabinets...beveled/raised panel and more flat/Shaker panels.  At the initial design meeting we went with the more traditional style cabinet (shown below on right), but felt like the modern Shaker cabinet (shown below on left) suited our style better. However, we didn't pull the trigger on the Shaker style because the designer was told us it would cost almost an additional $12K to have those cabinets throughout the house. Easy decision to make to choose the $0 traditional style, right???

Things changed when we found out (through some poking and prodding on my end) that the Shaker style was, in fact, a standard option (the designer apparently wasn't aware of this). We were thrilled to find out it was available at $0 upgrade costs! Woo-hoo!

But...Now what? What do we choose? Hubby and I went back and forth, frantically researching on Houzz between the two styles, and trying to also decide on the overall look we were trying to achieve. Verdict? Went with the Shaker style cabinets...still transitional with a little more of a preference toward contemporary/modern.

Here's a look at what we went through to select the cabinet style...

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