Friday, April 11, 2014

Bittersweet Goodbye to My Childhood Home

On March 15, 2014 we said said farewell to the house I've lived in for the last 20 years.  My parents and I moved there when I started high school and I lived there through college and grad school. After a brief stint in Seattle for work and love (lived in sin but eventually married the guy, so can't be too bad, right?), hubby and I moved back as newlyweds when my parents graciously gave us the house. We made it through the tough wonderful first years of marriage and even had two kids in the process...needless to say, there were lots of memories created within those 4 walls! While it was definitely bittersweet handing over the keys to the new owners, we are excited to see what the next chapter holds for the Park family!!!

Here are some pics of the house...FYI, it's amazing what staging and professional photography did to make our house look semi-livable!  Normally it looked like two Tasmanian devils whirled through each room leaving trails of snot, crumbs, and assorted toys.

Here's our last family picture before officially handing over the keys along with our last family meal at the house the night before. We thought it was fitting that the last meal be from the same place as our first meal when hubby and I first moved in as newlyweds. Kept it classy both times around with McD's!

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