Saturday, May 3, 2014

Lot Plan (Toll Brothers Palisade model)

We picked this lot (draft shown below) because it's an end unit, meaning there's no neighbor to the right of us. This gets us more street parking for guests, however we are against a business complex (but there's quite a bit of space, wall, and fence that separates us) and we have a lot of side yard that we need to figure out what to do with.

One of the things I didn't realize in picking our lot is that the exterior color scheme and elevation are pre-determined. So are the exterior colors what we would've chosen?  No. However, we really liked the location and are willing to deal with a potential dark brown colored exterior color (bleh!).

The other main reason we chose this lot is that it was one of the largest plots available.  Most of the newer developments in southern California, especially Orange County, have backyards the size of a postage stamp (I exaggerate, it's more like a small bedroom).  The lot we chose has enough space to put in a swimming pool (one day) and room for a ping-pong table (muy importante to hubby).

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