Monday, June 2, 2014


Here we go again...this time with our master bathroom, specifically the bathtub. At our initial design meeting the price difference between a built-in tub and a free-standing was so great that we didn't even entertain the idea.  Although we loved the look of a free-standing tub, it went way down on our priority list as a "nice-to-have" instead of a "must-have."

Fast forward to a couple weeks ago when we were pricing out options for the deck and face. Hubby and I wanted the tub deck/face to be in the same stone as our master bathroom sink countertops.  When we got the estimates back we were shocked to discover there wasn't a significant difference between getting the built-in tub and the free-standing one!

If we went with the built-in tub with the same stone as the sink countertops, here's what it would like like.
Picture from the model house.  Unfortunately, ours won't be as amazing as this master bath!

When we realized the closeness in cost, we went back and looked at the free-standing tub options. And, of course, I had to lay out all my options!

All free-standing tub options as well as tub faucet options (comparing them to our sink faucets to ensure they complemented each other).
Being the nerd that I am, I had to try and visualize each tub with the each tub faucet. :)  
In the end, we went with the Starstruck tub/Finial Traditional faucet. We also really like the look of the built-in tub, but felt the free-standing tub was a little more modern and fit our design style better. We will probably get zero use out of the tub, but, hey, at least it'll look nice!

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